ECE - Matlab

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MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language. Developed by MathWorks, MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, and Fortran.

Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access to symbolic computing capabilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems.

In 2004, MATLAB had around one million users across industry and academia. MATLAB users come from various backgrounds of engineering, science, and economics. Among these users are academic and research institutions such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NASA, Max Planck Society as well as industrial enterprises such as ABB Group, Boeing, Caterpillar Inc., Ford Motor, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Novartis, Pfizer, Philips, Toyota, and UniCredit Bank.

 setfocus - Set focus to objects. When starting a Matlab GUI it is normally not possible to activate the cursor in an edit object. Before you can type, you'll have to click with the mouse in the edit field. With setfocus it is possible to activate the cursor with program code by passing the object handle to setfocus. setfocus simply simulate a mouseclick in the area of the object.

Matlab Commands List

Arithmetic Operators + - * / ^ ' Matrix and array arithmetic
Relational Operators < > <= >= == ~= Relational operations
Logical Operators: Elementwise & | ~ Elementwise logical operations on arrays
Logical Operators: Short-circuit && || Logical operations, with short-circuiting capability
Special Characters [ ] ( ) {} = ' . ... , ; : % ! @ Special characters
colon (:) Create vectors, array subscripting, and for-loop iterators
abs Absolute value and complex magnitude
accumarray Construct array with accumulation
acos Inverse cosine; result in radians
acosd Inverse cosine; result in degrees
acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine
acot Inverse cotangent; result in radians
acotd Inverse cotangent; result in degrees
acoth Inverse hyperbolic cotangent
acsc Inverse cosecant; result in radians
acscd Inverse cosecant; result in degrees
acsch Inverse hyperbolic cosecant
actxcontrol Create Microsoft ActiveX control in figure window
actxcontrollist List currently installed Microsoft ActiveX controls
actxcontrolselect Create Microsoft ActiveX control from GUI
actxGetRunningServer Handle to running instance of Automation server
actxserver Create COM server
addCause (MException) Record additional causes of exception
addevent Add event to timeseries object
addframe (avifile) Add frame to Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file
addlistener (handle) Create event listener
addOptional (inputParser) Add optional argument to Input Parser scheme
addParamValue (inputParser) Add parameter name/value argument to Input Parser scheme
addpath Add folders to search path
addpref Add preference
addprop (dynamicprops) Add dynamic property
addproperty Add custom property to COM object
addRequired (inputParser) Add required argument to Input Parser scheme
    timeseries method Add data sample to timeseries object
addsampletocollection Add sample to tscollection object
addtodate Modify date number by field
addts Add timeseries object to tscollection object
airy Airy functions
align Align user interface controls (uicontrols) and axes
alim Set or query axes alpha limits
all Determine whether all array elements are nonzero or true
allchild Find all children of specified objects
alpha Set transparency properties for objects in current axes
alphamap Specify figure alphamap (transparency)
amd Approximate minimum degree permutation
ancestor Ancestor of graphics object
and Find logical AND of array or scalar inputs
angle Phase angle
annotation Create annotation objects
Annotation Arrow Properties Define annotation arrow properties
Annotation Doublearrow Properties Define annotation doublearrow properties
Annotation Ellipse Properties Define annotation ellipse properties
Annotation Line Properties Define annotation line properties
Annotation Rectangle Properties Define annotation rectangle properties
Annotation Textarrow Properties Define annotation textarrow properties
Annotation Textbox Properties Define annotation textbox properties
ans Most recent answer
any Determine whether any array elements are nonzero
    timeseries method Concatenate time series objects in time dimension
area Filled area 2-D plot
Areaseries Properties Define areaseries properties
arrayfun Apply function to each element of array
    FTP method Set FTP transfer type to ASCII
asec Inverse secant; result in radians
asecd Inverse secant; result in degrees
asech Inverse hyperbolic secant
asin Inverse sine; result in radians
asind Inverse sine; result in degrees
asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine
assert Generate error when condition is violated
assignin Assign value to variable in specified workspace
atan Inverse tangent; result in radians
atan2 Four-quadrant inverse tangent
atand Inverse tangent; result in degrees
atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent
audiodevinfo Information about audio device
audioplayer Create object for playing audio
audiorecorder Create object for recording audio
aufinfo Information about NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file
auread Read NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file
auwrite Write NeXT/SUN (.au) sound file
avifile Create new Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file
aviinfo Information about Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file
aviread Read Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file
axes Create axes graphics object
Axes Properties Modify axes properties
axis Axis scaling and appearance
balance Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy
bar, barh Plot bar graph (vertical and horizontal)
bar3, bar3h Plot 3-D bar chart
Barseries Properties Define barseries properties
    TriRep method Converts point coordinates from barycentric to Cartesian
base2dec Convert base N number string to decimal number
beep Produce beep sound
bench MATLAB benchmark
besselh Bessel function of third kind (Hankel function)
besseli Modified Bessel function of first kind
besselj Bessel function of first kind
besselk Modified Bessel function of second kind
bessely Bessel function of second kind
beta Beta function
betainc Incomplete beta function
betaincinv Beta inverse cumulative distribution function
betaln Logarithm of beta function
bicg Biconjugate gradients method
bicgstab Biconjugate gradients stabilized method
bicgstabl Biconjugate gradients stabilized (l) method
bin2dec Convert binary number string to decimal number
    FTP method Set FTP transfer type to binary
bitand Bitwise AND
bitcmp Bitwise complement
bitget Bit at specified position
bitmax Maximum double-precision floating-point integer
bitor Bitwise OR
bitset Set bit at specified position
bitshift Shift bits specified number of places
bitxor Bitwise XOR
blanks Create string of blank characters
blkdiag Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments
box Axes border
break Terminate execution of for or while loop
brighten Brighten or darken colormap
brush Interactively mark, delete, modify, and save observations in graphs
bsxfun Apply element-by-element binary operation to two arrays with singleton expansion enabled
builddocsearchdb Build searchable documentation database
builtin Execute built-in function from overloaded method
bvp4c Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
bvp5c Solve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
bvpget Extract properties from options structure created with bvpset
bvpinit Form initial guess for bvp4c
bvpset Create or alter options structure of boundary value problem
bvpxtend Form guess structure for extending boundary value solutions
calendar Calendar for specified month
calllib Call function in shared library
callSoapService Send SOAP message to endpoint
camdolly Move camera position and target
cameratoolbar Control camera toolbar programmatically
camlight Create or move light object in camera coordinates
camlookat Position camera to view object or group of objects
camorbit Rotate camera position around camera target
campan Rotate camera target around camera position
campos Set or query camera position
camproj Set or query projection type
camroll Rotate camera about view axis
camtarget Set or query location of camera target
camup Set or query camera up vector
camva Set or query camera view angle
camzoom Zoom in and out on scene
cart2pol Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical
cart2sph Transform Cartesian coordinates to spherical
    TriRep method Convert point coordinates from cartesian to barycentric
case Execute block of code if condition is true
cast Cast variable to different data type
cat Concatenate arrays along specified dimension
catch Handle error detected in try-catch statement
caxis Color axis scaling
    function Change current folder
    FTP method Change or view current folder on FTP server
cdf2rdf Convert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form
cdfepoch Convert MATLAB formatted dates to CDF formatted dates
cdfinfo Information about Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib Summary of Common Data Format (CDF) capabilities
cdflib.close Close Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.closeVar Close specified variable from multifile format Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.computeEpoch Convert time value to CDF_EPOCH value
cdflib.computeEpoch16 Convert time value to CDF_EPOCH16 value
cdflib.create Create Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.createAttr Create attribute
cdflib.createVar Create new variable
cdflib.delete Delete existing Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.deleteAttr Delete attribute
cdflib.deleteAttrEntry Delete attribute entry
cdflib.deleteAttrgEntry Delete entry in global attribute
cdflib.deleteVar Delete variable
cdflib.deleteVarRecords Delete range of records from variable
cdflib.epoch16Breakdown Convert CDF_EPOCH16 value to time value
cdflib.epochBreakdown Convert CDF_EPOCH value into time value
cdflib.getAttrEntry Value of entry in attribute with variable scope
cdflib.getAttrgEntry Value of entry in global attribute
cdflib.getAttrMaxEntry Number of last entry for variable attribute
cdflib.getAttrMaxgEntry Number of last entry for global attribute
cdflib.getAttrName Name of attribute, given attribute number
cdflib.getAttrNum Attribute number, given attribute name
cdflib.getAttrScope Scope of attribute
cdflib.getCacheSize Number of cache buffers used
cdflib.getChecksum Checksum mode
cdflib.getCompression Compression settings
cdflib.getCompressionCacheSize Number of compression cache buffers
cdflib.getConstantNames Names of Common Data Format (CDF) library constants
cdflib.getConstantValue Numeric value corresponding to Common Data Format (CDF) library constant
cdflib.getCopyright Copyright notice in Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.getFormat Format of Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.getLibraryCopyright Copyright notice of Common Data Format (CDF) library
cdflib.getLibraryVersion Library version and release information
cdflib.getMajority Majority of variables
cdflib.getName Name of Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.getNumAttrEntries Number of entries for attribute with variable scope
cdflib.getNumAttrgEntries Number of entries for attribute with global scope
cdflib.getNumAttributes Number of attributes with variable scope
cdflib.getNumgAttributes Number of attributes with global scope
cdflib.getReadOnlyMode Read-only mode
cdflib.getStageCacheSize Number of cache buffers for staging
cdflib.getValidate Library validation mode
cdflib.getVarAllocRecords Number of records allocated for variable
cdflib.getVarBlockingFactor Blocking factor for variable
cdflib.getVarCacheSize Number of multifile cache buffers
cdflib.getVarCompression Information about compression used by variable
cdflib.getVarData Single value from record in variable
cdflib.getVarMaxAllocRecNum Maximum allocated record number for variable
cdflib.getVarMaxWrittenRecNum Maximum written record number for variable
cdflib.getVarName Variable name, given variable number
cdflib.getVarNum Variable number, given variable name
cdflib.getVarNumRecsWritten Number of records written to variable
cdflib.getVarPadValue Pad value for variable
cdflib.getVarRecordData Entire record for variable
cdflib.getVarReservePercent Compression reserve percentage for variable
cdflib.getVarSparseRecords Information about how variable handles sparse records
cdflib.getVersion Common Data Format (CDF) library version and release information
cdflib.hyperGetVarData Read hyperslab of data from variable
cdflib.hyperPutVarData Write hyperslab of data to variable
cdflib.inquire Basic characteristics of Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.inquireAttr Information about attribute
cdflib.inquireAttrEntry Information about entry in attribute with variable scope
cdflib.inquireAttrgEntry Information about entry in attribute with global scope
cdflib.inquireVar Information about variable Open existing Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.putAttrEntry Write value to entry in attribute with variable scope
cdflib.putAttrgEntry Write value to entry in attribute with global scope
cdflib.putVarData Write single value to variable
cdflib.putVarRecordData Write entire record to variable
cdflib.renameAttr Rename existing attribute
cdflib.renameVar Rename existing variable
cdflib.setCacheSize Specify number of dotCDF cache buffers
cdflib.setChecksum Specify checksum mode
cdflib.setCompression Specify compression settings
cdflib.setCompressionCacheSize Specify number of compression cache buffers
cdflib.setFormat Specify format of Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.setMajority Specify majority of variables
cdflib.setReadOnlyMode Specify read-only mode
cdflib.setStageCacheSize Specify number of staging cache buffers for Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdflib.setValidate Specify library validation mode
cdflib.setVarAllocBlockRecords Specify range of records to be allocated for variable
cdflib.setVarBlockingFactor Specify blocking factor for variable
cdflib.setVarCacheSize Specify number of multi-file cache buffers for variable
cdflib.setVarCompression Specify compression settings used with variable
cdflib.setVarInitialRecs Specify initial number of records written to variable
cdflib.setVarPadValue Specify pad value used with variable
cdflib.SetVarReservePercent Specify reserve percentage for variable
cdflib.setVarsCacheSize Specify number of cache buffers used for all variables
cdflib.setVarSparseRecords Specify how variable handles sparse records
cdfread Read data from Common Data Format (CDF) file
cdfwrite Write data to Common Data Format (CDF) file
ceil Round toward positive infinity
cell Construct cell array
cell2mat Convert cell array of matrices to single matrix
cell2struct Convert cell array to structure array
celldisp Cell array contents
cellfun Apply function to each cell in cell array
cellplot Graphically display structure of cell array
cellstr Create cell array of strings from character array
cgs Conjugate gradients squared method
char Convert to character array (string)
checkin Check files into source control system (UNIX platforms)
checkout Check files out of source control system (UNIX platforms)
chol Cholesky factorization
cholinc Sparse incomplete Cholesky and Cholesky-Infinity factorizations
cholupdate Rank 1 update to Cholesky factorization
circshift Shift array circularly
    TriRep method Circumcenters of specified simplices
cla Clear current axes
clabel Contour plot elevation labels
class Determine class name of object
classdef Class definition keywords
clc Clear Command Window
clear Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory
clear (serial) Remove serial port object from MATLAB workspace
clearvars Clear variables from memory
clf Clear current figure window
clipboard Copy and paste strings to and from system clipboard
clock Current time as date vector
    function Remove specified figure
    FTP method Close connection to FTP server
    Tiff method Close Tiff object
    VideoWriter method Close file after writing video data
close (avifile) Close Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file
closereq Default figure close request function
cmopts Name of source control system
cmpermute Rearrange colors in colormap
cmunique Eliminate duplicate colors in colormap; convert grayscale or truecolor image to indexed image
colamd Column approximate minimum degree permutation
colorbar Colorbar showing color scale
colordef Set default property values to display different color schemes
colormap Set and get current colormap
colormapeditor Open colormap editor
ColorSpec (Color Specification) Color specification
colperm Sparse column permutation based on nonzero count
comet 2-D comet plot
comet3 3-D comet plot
commandhistory Open Command History window, or select it if already open
commandwindow Open Command Window, or select it if already open
compan Companion matrix
compass Plot arrows emanating from origin
complex Construct complex data from real and imaginary components
computer Information about computer on which MATLAB software is running
    Tiff method Index number of strip containing specified coordinate
    Tiff method Index number of tile containing specified coordinates
cond Condition number with respect to inversion
condeig Condition number with respect to eigenvalues
condest 1-norm condition number estimate
coneplot Plot velocity vectors as cones in 3-D vector field
conj Complex conjugate
containers.Map Construct containers.Map object
continue Pass control to next iteration of for or while loop
contour Contour plot of matrix
contour3 3-D contour plot
contourc Low-level contour plot computation
contourf Filled 2-D contour plot
Contourgroup Properties Define contourgroup properties
contourslice Draw contours in volume slice planes
contrast Grayscale colormap for contrast enhancement
conv Convolution and polynomial multiplication
conv2 2-D convolution
    DelaunayTri method Convex hull
convhull Convex hull
convhulln N-D convex hull
convn N-D convolution
copyfile Copy file or folder
copyobj Copy graphics objects and their descendants
corrcoef Correlation coefficients
cos Cosine of argument in radians
cosd Cosine of argument in degrees
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
cot Cotangent of argument in radians
cotd Cotangent of argument in degrees
coth Hyperbolic cotangent
cov Covariance matrix
cplxpair Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
cputime Elapsed CPU time
create (RandStream) Create random number streams
createClassFromWsdl Create MATLAB class based on WSDL document
createCopy (inputParser) Create copy of inputParser object
createSoapMessage Create SOAP message to send to server
cross Vector cross product
csc Cosecant of argument in radians
cscd Cosecant of argument in degrees
csch Hyperbolic cosecant
csvread Read comma-separated value file
csvwrite Write comma-separated value file
    timeseries method Transpose timeseries object
cumprod Cumulative product
cumsum Cumulative sum
cumtrapz Cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration
curl Compute curl and angular velocity of vector field
    Tiff method Index of current IFD
customverctrl Allow custom source control system (UNIX platforms)
cylinder Generate cylinder
daqread Read Data Acquisition Toolbox (.daq) file
daspect Set or query axes data aspect ratio
datacursormode Enable, disable, and manage interactive data cursor mode
datatipinfo Produce short description of input variable
date Current date string
datenum Convert date and time to serial date number
datestr Convert date and time to string format
datetick Date formatted tick labels
datevec Convert date and time to vector of components
dbclear Clear breakpoints
dbcont Resume execution
dbdown Reverse workspace shift performed by dbup, while in debug mode
dblquad Numerically evaluate double integral over rectangle
dbmex Enable MEX-file debugging (on UNIX platforms)
dbquit Quit debug mode
dbstack Function call stack
dbstatus List all breakpoints
dbstep Execute one or more lines from current breakpoint
dbstop Set breakpoints
dbtype List text file with line numbers
dbup Shift current workspace to workspace of caller, while in debug mode
dde23 Solve delay differential equations (DDEs) with constant delays
ddeget Extract properties from delay differential equations options structure
ddesd Solve delay differential equations (DDEs) with general delays
ddeset Create or alter delay differential equations options structure
deal Distribute inputs to outputs
deblank Strip trailing blanks from end of string
dec2base Convert decimal to base N number in string
dec2bin Convert decimal to binary number in string
dec2hex Convert decimal to hexadecimal number in string
decic Compute consistent initial conditions for ode15i
deconv Deconvolution and polynomial division
del2 Discrete Laplacian
delaunay Delaunay triangulation
delaunay3 3-D Delaunay tessellation
delaunayn N-D Delaunay tessellation
    class Delaunay triangulation in 2-D and 3-D
    constructor Construct Delaunay triangulation
    function Remove files or graphics objects
    FTP method Remove file on FTP server
delete (COM) Remove COM control or server
delete (handle) Handle object destructor function
delete (serial) Remove serial port object from memory
delete (timer) Remove timer object from memory
deleteproperty Remove custom property from COM object
delevent Remove tsdata.event objects from timeseries object
    timeseries method Remove sample from timeseries object
delsamplefromcollection Remove sample from tscollection object
demo Access product demos via Help browser
depdir List dependent folders for function or P-file
depfun List dependencies of function or P-file
det Matrix determinant
    function Remove linear trends
    timeseries method Subtract mean or best-fit line and all NaNs from timeseries object
deval Evaluate solution of differential equation problem
diag Diagonal matrices and diagonals of matrix
dialog Create and display empty dialog box
diary Save Command Window text to file
diff Differences and approximate derivatives
diffuse Calculate diffuse reflectance
    function Folder listing
    FTP method View contents of folder on FTP server
disp Display text or array
disp (memmapfile) Information about memmapfile object
disp (MException) Display MException object
disp (serial) Serial port object summary information
disp (timer) Information about timer object
display Display text or array (overloaded method)
dither Convert image, increasing apparent color resolution by dithering
divergence Compute divergence of vector field
dlmread Read ASCII-delimited file of numeric data into matrix
dlmwrite Write matrix to ASCII-delimited file
dmperm Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition
doc Reference page in Help browser
docsearch Help browser search
dos Execute DOS command and return result
dot Vector dot product
double Convert to double precision
dragrect Drag rectangles with mouse
drawnow Flush event queue and update figure window
dsearch Search Delaunay triangulation for nearest point
dsearchn N-D nearest point search
dynamicprops Abstract class used to derive handle class with dynamic properties
echo Display statements during function execution
echodemo Run scripted demo step-by-step in Command Window
    TriRep method Simplices attached to specified edges
    TriRep method Triangulation edges
edit Edit or create file
eig Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
eigs Largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix
ellipj Jacobi elliptic functions
ellipke Complete elliptic integrals of first and second kind
ellipsoid Generate ellipsoid
else Execute statements if condition is false
elseif Execute statements if additional condition is true
enableNETfromNetworkDrive Enable access to .NET commands from network drive
enableservice Enable, disable, or report status of MATLAB Automation server
end Terminate block of code, or indicate last array index
enumeration Display class enumeration member and names
eomday Last day of month
eps Floating-point relative accuracy
eq Test for equality
eq (MException) Compare scalar MException objects for equality
erf Error function
erfc Complementary error function
erfcinv Inverse complementary error function
erfcx Scaled complementary error function
erfinv Inverse error function
error Display message and abort function
errorbar Plot error bars along curve
Errorbarseries Properties Define errorbarseries properties
errordlg Create and open error dialog box
etime Time elapsed between date vectors
etree Elimination tree
etreeplot Plot elimination tree
eval Execute string containing MATLAB expression
evalc Evaluate MATLAB expression with capture
evalin Execute MATLAB expression in specified workspace
event.EventData Base class for all data objects passed to event listeners
event.listener Class defining listener objects
event.PropertyEvent Listener for property events
event.proplistener Define listener object for property events
eventlisteners List event handler functions associated with COM object events
events Event names
events (COM) List of events COM object can trigger
Execute Execute MATLAB command in Automation server
exifread Read EXIF information from JPEG and TIFF image files
exist Check existence of variable, function, folder, or class
exit Terminate MATLAB program (same as quit)
exp Exponential
expint Exponential integral
expm Matrix exponential
expm1 Compute exp(x)-1 accurately for small values of x
export2wsdlg Export variables to workspace
eye Identity matrix
ezcontour Easy-to-use contour plotter
ezcontourf Easy-to-use filled contour plotter
ezmesh Easy-to-use 3-D mesh plotter
ezmeshc Easy-to-use combination mesh/contour plotter
ezplot Easy-to-use function plotter
ezplot3 Easy-to-use 3-D parametric curve plotter
ezpolar Easy-to-use polar coordinate plotter
ezsurf Easy-to-use 3-D colored surface plotter
ezsurfc Easy-to-use combination surface/contour plotter
    TriRep method Unit normals to specified triangles
factor Prime factors
factorial Factorial function
false Logical 0 (false)
fclose Close one or all open files
fclose (serial) Disconnect serial port object from device
feather Plot velocity vectors
    TriRep method Sharp edges of surface triangulation
feof Test for end-of-file
ferror Information about file I/O errors
feval Evaluate function
Feval (COM) Evaluate MATLAB function in Automation server
fft Discrete Fourier transform
fft2 2-D discrete Fourier transform
fftn N-D discrete Fourier transform
fftshift Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum
fftw Interface to FFTW library run-time algorithm tuning control
fgetl Read line from file, removing newline characters
fgetl (serial) Read line of text from device and discard terminator
fgets Read line from file, keeping newline characters
fgets (serial) Read line of text from device and include terminator
fieldnames Field names of structure, or public fields of object
figure Create figure graphics object
Figure Properties Define figure properties
figurepalette Show or hide figure palette
File Formats Supported file formats
fileattrib Set or get attributes of file or folder
filebrowser Open Current Folder browser, or select it if already open
filemarker Character to separate file name and internal function name
fileparts Parts of file name and path
fileread Read contents of file into string
filesep File separator for current platform
fill Filled 2-D polygons
fill3 Filled 3-D polygons
    function 1-D digital filter
    timeseries method Shape frequency content of time series
filter2 2-D digital filter
find Find indices and values of nonzero elements
findall Find all graphics objects
findfigs Find visible offscreen figures
findobj Locate graphics objects with specific properties
findobj (handle) Find handle objects matching specified conditions
findprop (handle) Find object associated with property name
findstr Find string within another, longer string
finish Termination file for MATLAB program
fitsinfo Information about FITS file
fitsread Read data from FITS file
fix Round toward zero
flipdim Flip array along specified dimension
fliplr Flip matrix left to right
flipud Flip matrix up to down
floor Round toward negative infinity
flow Simple function of three variables
fminbnd Find minimum of single-variable function on fixed interval
fminsearch Find minimum of unconstrained multivariable function using derivative-free method
fopen Open file, or obtain information about open files
fopen (serial) Connect serial port object to device
for Execute statements specified number of times
format Set display format for output
fplot Plot function between specified limits
fprintf Write data to text file
fprintf (serial) Write text to device
frame2im Return image data associated with movie frame
fread Read data from binary file
fread (serial) Read binary data from device
    TriRep method Facets referenced by only one simplex
freqspace Frequency spacing for frequency response
frewind Move file position indicator to beginning of open file
fscanf Read data from text file
fscanf (serial) Read data from device, and format as text
fseek Move to specified position in file
ftell Position in open file
FTP Connect to FTP server
full Convert sparse matrix to full matrix
fullfile Build full file name from parts
func2str Construct function name string from function handle
function Declare function
function_handle (@) Handle used in calling functions indirectly
functions Information about function handle
funm Evaluate general matrix function
fwrite Write data to binary file
fwrite (serial) Write binary data to device
fzero Find root of continuous function of one variable
gallery Test matrices
gamma Gamma function
gammainc Incomplete gamma function
gammaincinv Inverse incomplete gamma function
gammaln Logarithm of gamma function
gca Current axes handle
gcbf Handle of figure containing object whose callback is executing
gcbo Handle of object whose callback is executing
gcd Greatest common divisor
gcf Current figure handle
gco Handle of current object
ge Test for greater than or equal to
genpath Generate path string
genvarname Construct valid variable name from string
    function Query Handle Graphics object properties
    audioplayer method Query property values for audioplayer object
    audiorecorder method Query property values for audiorecorder object
    timeseries method Query timeseries object property values
    VideoReader method Query property values for video reader object
get (COM) Get property value from interface, or display properties
get (hgsetget) Query property values of handle objects derived from hgsetget class
get (memmapfile) Memmapfile object properties
get (RandStream) Random stream properties
get (serial) Serial port object properties
get (timer) Timer object properties
get (tscollection) Query tscollection object property values
    timeseries method Extract date-string time vector into cell array
getabstime (tscollection) Extract date-string time vector into cell array
getappdata Value of application-defined data
    audiorecorder method Store recorded audio signal in numeric array
GetCharArray Character array from Automation server
    timeseries method Returns subset of timeseries samples using subscripted index array
    timeseries method Size of data sample in timeseries object
getDefaultStream (RandStream) Default random number stream
getdisp (hgsetget) Override to change command window display
getenv Environment variable
getfield Field of structure array
    VideoReader static method File formats that VideoReader supports
getframe Capture movie frame
GetFullMatrix Matrix from Automation server workspace
    timeseries method Interpolation method for timeseries object
getpixelposition Get component position in pixels
getpref Preference
    VideoWriter static method List profiles and file formats supported by VideoWriter
    timeseries method Data quality descriptions
getReport (MException) Get error message for exception
    timeseries method Returns subset of timeseries samples using subscripted index array
    timeseries method Extract data samples into new timeseries object
getsampleusingtime (tscollection) Extract data samples into new tscollection object
    Tiff method Value of specified tag
    Tiff static method List of recognized TIFF tags
gettimeseriesnames Cell array of names of timeseries objects in tscollection object
gettsafteratevent New timeseries object with samples occurring at or after event
gettsafterevent New timeseries object with samples occurring after event
gettsatevent New timeseries object with samples occurring at event
gettsbeforeatevent New timeseries object with samples occurring before or at event
gettsbeforeevent New timeseries object with samples occurring before event
gettsbetweenevents New timeseries object with samples occurring between events
GetVariable Data from variable in Automation server workspace
    Tiff static method LibTIFF library version
GetWorkspaceData Data from Automation server workspace
ginput Graphical input from mouse or cursor
global Declare global variables
gmres Generalized minimum residual method (with restarts)
gplot Plot nodes and links representing adjacency matrix
grabcode MATLAB code from files published to HTML
gradient Numerical gradient
graymon Set default figure properties for grayscale monitors
grid Grid lines for 2-D and 3-D plots
griddata Data gridding
griddata3 Data gridding and hypersurface fitting for 3-D data
griddatan Data gridding and hypersurface fitting (dimension >= 2)
gsvd Generalized singular value decomposition
gt Test for greater than
gtext Mouse placement of text in 2-D view
guidata Store or retrieve GUI data
guide Open GUI Layout Editor
guihandles Create structure of handles
gunzip Uncompress GNU zip files
gzip Compress files into GNU zip files
hadamard Hadamard matrix
handle Abstract class for deriving handle classes
hankel Hankel matrix
hdf Summary of MATLAB HDF4 capabilities
hdf5 Summary of MATLAB HDF5 capabilities
hdf5info Information about HDF5 file
hdf5read Read HDF5 file
hdf5write Write data to file in HDF5 format
hdfinfo Information about HDF4 or HDF-EOS file
hdfread Read data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS file
hdftool Browse and import data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS files
help Help for functions in Command Window
helpbrowser Open Help browser to access online documentation and demos
helpdesk Open Help browser
helpdlg Create and open help dialog box
helpwin Provide access to help comments for all functions
hess Hessenberg form of matrix
hex2dec Convert hexadecimal number string to decimal number
hex2num Convert hexadecimal number string to double-precision number
hgexport Export figure
hggroup Create hggroup object
Hggroup Properties Hggroup properties
hgload Load Handle Graphics object hierarchy from file
hgsave Save Handle Graphics object hierarchy to file
hgsetget Abstract class used to derive handle class with set and get methods
hgtransform Create hgtransform graphics object
Hgtransform Properties Hgtransform properties
hidden Remove hidden lines from mesh plot
hilb Hilbert matrix
hist Histogram plot
histc Histogram count
hold Retain current graph in figure
home Send cursor home
horzcat Concatenate arrays horizontally
horzcat (tscollection) Horizontal concatenation for tscollection objects
hostid Server host identification number
hsv2rgb Convert HSV colormap to RGB colormap
hypot Square root of sum of squares
i Imaginary unit
    timeseries method Apply ideal (noncausal) filter to timeseries object
idivide Integer division with rounding option
if Execute statements if condition is true
ifft Inverse discrete Fourier transform
ifft2 2-D inverse discrete Fourier transform
ifftn N-D inverse discrete Fourier transform
ifftshift Inverse FFT shift
ilu Sparse incomplete LU factorization
im2frame Convert image to movie frame
im2java Convert image to Java image
imag Imaginary part of complex number
image Display image object
Image Properties Define image properties
imagesc Scale data and display image object
imapprox Approximate indexed image by reducing number of colors
imfinfo Information about graphics file
imformats Manage image file format registry
import Add package or class to current import list
importdata Load data from file
imread Read image from graphics file
imwrite Write image to graphics file
    TriRep method Incenters of specified simplices
ind2rgb Convert indexed image to RGB image
ind2sub Subscripts from linear index
Inf Infinity
inferiorto Specify inferior class relationship
info Information about contacting MathWorks
inline Construct inline object
inmem Names of functions, MEX-files, Sun Java classes in memory
    DelaunayTri method Status of triangles in 2-D constrained Delaunay triangulation
inpolygon Points inside polygonal region
input Request user input
inputdlg Create and open input dialog box
inputname Variable name of function input
inputParser Construct input parser object
inspect Open Property Inspector
instrcallback Event information when event occurs
instrfind Read serial port objects from memory to MATLAB workspace
instrfindall Find visible and hidden serial port objects
int2str Convert integer to string
int8, int16, int32, int64 Convert to signed integer
interfaces List custom interfaces exposed by COM server object
interp1 1-D data interpolation (table lookup)
interp1q Quick 1-D linear interpolation
interp2 2-D data interpolation (table lookup)
interp3 3-D data interpolation (table lookup)
interpft 1-D interpolation using FFT method
interpn N-D data interpolation (table lookup)
interpstreamspeed Interpolate stream-line vertices from flow speed
intersect Find set intersection of two vectors
intmax Largest value of specified integer type
intmin Smallest value of specified integer type
inv Matrix inverse
invhilb Inverse of Hilbert matrix
invoke Invoke method on COM object or interface, or display methods
ipermute Inverse permute dimensions of N-D array
    timeseries method Returns interquartile range of timeseries data
is* Detect state
isa Determine whether input is object of given class
isappdata True if application-defined data exists
iscell Determine whether input is cell array
iscellstr Determine whether input is cell array of strings
ischar Determine whether item is character array
iscolumn Determine whether input is column vector
iscom Determine whether input is COM or ActiveX object
isdir Determine whether input is folder
    TriRep method Test if vertices are joined by edge
isempty Determine whether array is empty
isempty (timeseries) Determine whether array is empty
isempty (tscollection) Determine whether tscollection object is empty
isequal Test arrays for equality
isequal (MException) Compare scalar MException objects for equality
isequalwithequalnans Test arrays for equality, treating NaNs as equal
isevent Determine whether input is COM object event
isfield Determine whether input is structure array field
isfinite Array elements that are finite
isfloat Determine whether input is floating-point array
isglobal Determine whether input is global variable
ishandle Test for valid graphics object handle
ishghandle True for Handle Graphics object handles
ishold Current hold state
isinf Array elements that are infinite
isinteger Determine whether input is integer array
isinterface Determine whether input is COM interface
isjava Determine whether input is Sun Java object
isKey (Map) Check if containers.Map contains key
iskeyword Determine whether input is MATLAB keyword
isletter Array elements that are alphabetic letters
islogical Determine whether input is logical array
ismac Determine if version is for Mac OS X platform
ismatrix Determine whether input is matrix
ismember Array elements that are members of set
ismethod Determine whether input is COM object method
isnan Array elements that are NaN
isnumeric Determine whether input is numeric array
isobject Is input MATLAB object
isocaps Compute isosurface end-cap geometry
isocolors Calculate isosurface and patch colors
isonormals Compute normals of isosurface vertices
isosurface Extract isosurface data from volume data
ispc Determine if version is for Windows (PC) platform
    VideoReader static method Determine whether VideoReader is available on current platform
ispref Test for existence of preference
isprime Array elements that are prime numbers
isprop Determine whether input is COM object property
isreal Check if input is real array
isrow Determine whether input is row vector
isscalar Determine whether input is scalar
issorted Determine whether set elements are in sorted order
isspace Array elements that are space characters
issparse Determine whether input is sparse
isstr Determine whether input is character array
isstrprop Determine whether string is of specified category
isstruct Determine whether input is structure array
isstudent Determine if version is Student Version
    Tiff method Determine if tiled image
isunix Determine if version is for UNIX platform
isvalid (handle) Is object valid handle class object
isvalid (serial) Determine whether serial port objects are valid
isvalid (timer) Determine whether timer object is valid
isvarname Determine whether input is valid variable name
isvector Determine whether input is vector
j Imaginary unit
javaaddpath Add entries to dynamic Sun Java class path
javaArray Construct Sun Java array
javachk Generate error message based on Sun Java feature support
javaclasspath Get and set Sun Java class path
javaMethod Invoke Sun Java method
javaMethodEDT Invoke Sun Java method from Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)
javaObject Invoke Sun Java constructor
javaObjectEDT Invoke Sun Java object constructor on Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)
javarmpath Remove entries from dynamic Sun Java class path
keyboard Input from keyboard
keys (Map) Return all keys of containers.Map object
kron Kronecker tensor product
last (MException) Last uncaught exception
    Tiff method Determine if current IFD is last in file
lasterr Last error message
lasterror Last error message and related information
lastwarn Last warning message
lcm Least common multiple
ldivide, rdivide Left or right array division
ldl Block LDL' factorization for Hermitian indefinite matrices
le Test for less than or equal to
legend Graph legend for lines and patches
legendre Associated Legendre functions
length Length of vector or largest array dimension
length (Map) Length of containers.Map object
length (serial) Length of serial port object array
length (timeseries) Length of vector or largest array dimension
length (tscollection) Length of time vector
libfunctions Return information on functions in shared library
libfunctionsview View functions in shared library
libisloaded Determine if shared library is loaded
libpointer Create pointer object for use with shared libraries
libstruct Create structure pointer for use with shared libraries
license Return license number or perform licensing task
light Create light object
Light Properties Light properties
lightangle Create or position light object in spherical coordinates
lighting Specify lighting algorithm
lin2mu Convert linear audio signal to mu-law
line Create line object
Line Properties Line properties
Lineseries Properties Define lineseries properties
LineSpec (Line Specification) Line specification string syntax
linkaxes Synchronize limits of specified 2-D axes
linkdata Automatically update graphs when variables change
linkprop Keep same value for corresponding properties
linsolve Solve linear system of equations
linspace Generate linearly spaced vectors
list (RandStream) Random number generator algorithms
listdlg Create and open list-selection dialog box
listfonts List available system fonts
load Load data from MAT-file into workspace
load (COM) Initialize control object from file
load (serial) Load serial port objects and variables into MATLAB workspace
loadlibrary Load shared library into MATLAB software
loadobj Modify load process for object
log Natural logarithm
log10 Common (base 10) logarithm
log1p Compute log(1+x) accurately for small values of x
log2 Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissa
logical Convert numeric values to logical
loglog Log-log scale plot
logm Matrix logarithm
logspace Generate logarithmically spaced vectors
lookfor Search for keyword in all help entries
lower Convert string to lowercase
ls Folder contents
lscov Least-squares solution in presence of known covariance
lsqnonneg Solve nonnegative least-squares constraints problem
lsqr LSQR method
lt Test for less than
lu LU matrix factorization
luinc Sparse incomplete LU factorization
magic Magic square
makehgtform Create 4-by-4 transform matrix
mat2cell Divide matrix into cell array of matrices
mat2str Convert matrix to string
material Control reflectance properties of surfaces and patches
matlab (UNIX) Start MATLAB program (UNIX platforms)
matlab (Windows) Start MATLAB program (Windows platforms)
matlabrc Startup file for MATLAB program
matlabroot Root folder
    function Largest elements in array
    timeseries method Maximum value of timeseries data
MaximizeCommandWindow Open Automation server window
maxNumCompThreads Control maximum number of computational threads
    function Average or mean value of array
    timeseries method Mean value of timeseries data
    function Median value of array
    timeseries method Median value of timeseries data
memmapfile Construct memmapfile object
memory Display memory information
menu Generate menu of choices for user input
mesh, meshc, meshz Mesh plots
meshgrid Generate X and Y arrays for 3-D plots
meta.class meta.class class describes MATLAB classes
meta.class.fromName Return meta.class object associated with named class
meta.DynamicProperty meta.DynamicProperty class describes dynamic property of MATLAB object
meta.event meta.event class describes MATLAB class events
meta.method meta.method class describes MATLAB class methods
meta.package meta.package class describes MATLAB packages
meta.package.fromName Return meta.package object for specified package
meta.package.getAllPackages Get all top-level packages class describes MATLAB class properties
metaclass Obtain meta.class object
methods Class method names
methodsview View class methods
mex Compile MEX-function from C/C++ or Fortran source code
mex.getCompilerConfigurations Get compiler configuration information for building MEX-files
MException Capture error information
mexext Binary MEX-file name extension
mfilename File name of currently running function
    FTP method Download files from FTP server
    function Smallest elements in array
    timeseries method Minimum value of timeseries data
MinimizeCommandWindow Minimize size of Automation server window
minres Minimum residual method
mislocked Determine if function is locked in memory
    function Make new folder
    FTP method Create folder on FTP server
mkpp Make piecewise polynomial
mldivide , mrdivide / Left or right matrix division
mlint Check MATLAB code files for possible problems
mlintrpt Run mlint for file or folder, reporting results in browser
mlock Prevent clearing function from memory
mmfileinfo Information about multimedia file
mmreader Create object for reading video files
mod Modulus after division
mode Most frequent values in array
more Control paged output for Command Window
move Move or resize control in parent window
movefile Move file or folder
movegui Move GUI figure to specified location on screen
movie Play recorded movie frames
movie2avi Create Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file from MATLAB movie
    FTP method Upload file or folder to FTP server
msgbox Create and open message box
mtimes Matrix multiplication
mu2lin Convert mu-law audio signal to linear
multibandread Read band-interleaved data from binary file
multibandwrite Write band-interleaved data to file
munlock Allow clearing functions from memory
namelengthmax Maximum identifier length
NaN Not-a-Number
nargchk Validate number of input arguments
nargin, nargout Number of function arguments
nargoutchk Validate number of output arguments
native2unicode Convert numeric bytes to Unicode characters
nchoosek Binomial coefficient or all combinations
ndgrid Generate arrays for N-D functions and interpolation
ndims Number of array dimensions
ne Test for inequality
ne (MException) Compare scalar MException objects for inequality
    DelaunayTri method Point closest to specified location
    TriRep method Simplex neighbor information
NET Summary of functions in MATLAB .NET interface
NET.addAssembly Make .NET assembly visible to MATLAB
NET.Assembly Members of .NET assembly
NET.convertArray Convert numeric MATLAB array to .NET array
NET.createArray Create single or multidimensional .NET array
NET.createGeneric Create instance of specialized .NET generic type
NET.disableAutoRelease Lock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB does not release COM object
NET.enableAutoRelease Unlock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB releases COM object
    class Represent parameterized generic type definitions
    constructor Constructor for NET.GenericClass class
NET.invokeGenericMethod Invoke generic method of object
NET.NetException .NET exception
NET.setStaticProperty Static property or field name
netcdf Summary of MATLAB Network Common Data Form (netCDF) capabilities
netcdf.abort Revert recent netCDF file definitions
netcdf.close Close netCDF file
netcdf.copyAtt Copy attribute to new location
netcdf.create Create new netCDF dataset
netcdf.defDim Create netCDF dimension
netcdf.defVar Create netCDF variable
netcdf.delAtt Delete netCDF attribute
netcdf.endDef End netCDF file define mode
netcdf.getAtt Return netCDF attribute
netcdf.getConstant Return numeric value of named constant
netcdf.getConstantNames Return list of constants known to netCDF library
netcdf.getVar Return data from netCDF variable
netcdf.inq Return information about netCDF file
netcdf.inqAtt Return information about netCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAttID Return ID of netCDF attribute
netcdf.inqAttName Return name of netCDF attribute
netcdf.inqDim Return netCDF dimension name and length
netcdf.inqDimID Return dimension ID
netcdf.inqLibVers Return netCDF library version information
netcdf.inqVar Return information about variable
netcdf.inqVarID Return ID associated with variable name Open netCDF file
netcdf.putAtt Write netCDF attribute
netcdf.putVar Write data to netCDF variable
netcdf.reDef Put open netCDF file into define mode
netcdf.renameAtt Change name of attribute
netcdf.renameDim Change name of netCDF dimension
netcdf.renameVar Change name of netCDF variable
netcdf.setDefaultFormat Change default netCDF file format
netcdf.setFill Set netCDF fill mode
netcdf.sync Synchronize netCDF file to disk
newplot Determine where to draw graphics objects
    Tiff method Make next IFD current IFD
nextpow2 Next higher power of 2
nnz Number of nonzero matrix elements
noanimate Change EraseMode of all objects to normal
nonzeros Nonzero matrix elements
norm Vector and matrix norms
normest 2-norm estimate
not Find logical NOT of array or scalar input
notebook Open MATLAB Notebook in Microsoft Word software (on Microsoft Windows platforms)
notify (handle) Notify listeners that event is occurring
now Current date and time
nthroot Real nth root of real numbers
null Null space
num2cell Convert numeric array to cell array
num2hex Convert singles and doubles to IEEE hexadecimal strings
num2str Convert number to string
    Tiff method Total number of strips in image
    Tiff method Total number of tiles in image
numel Number of elements in array or subscripted array expression
nzmax Amount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elements
ode15i Solve fully implicit differential equations, variable order method
ode23, ode45, ode113, ode15s, ode23s, ode23t, ode23tb Solve initial value problems for ordinary differential equations
odefile Define differential equation problem for ordinary differential equation solvers
odeget Ordinary differential equation options parameters
odeset Create or alter options structure for ordinary differential equation solvers
odextend Extend solution of initial value problem for ordinary differential equation
onCleanup Cleanup tasks at function completion
ones Create array of all ones
    function Open file in appropriate application
    VideoWriter method Open file for writing video data
openfig Open new copy or raise existing copy of saved figure
opengl Control OpenGL rendering
openvar Open workspace variable in Variable Editor or other graphical editing tool
optimget Optimization options values
optimset Create or edit optimization options structure
or Find logical OR of array or scalar inputs
ordeig Eigenvalues of quasitriangular matrices
orderfields Order fields of structure array
ordqz Reorder eigenvalues in QZ factorization
ordschur Reorder eigenvalues in Schur factorization
orient Hardcopy paper orientation
orth Range space of matrix
otherwise Default part of switch statement
pack Consolidate workspace memory
padecoef Padé approximation of time delays
pagesetupdlg Page setup dialog box
pan Pan view of graph interactively
pareto Pareto chart
parfor Parallel for-loop
parse (inputParser) Parse and validate named inputs
parseSoapResponse Convert response string from SOAP server into MATLAB types
pascal Pascal matrix
patch Create one or more filled polygons
Patch Properties Patch properties
path View or change search path
path2rc Save current search path to pathdef.m file
pathsep Search path separator for current platform
pathtool Open Set Path dialog box to view and change search path
pause Halt execution temporarily
pbaspect Set or query plot box aspect ratio
pcg Preconditioned conjugate gradients method
pchip Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial (PCHIP)
pcode Create protected function file
pcolor Pseudocolor (checkerboard) plot
pdepe Solve initial-boundary value problems for parabolic-elliptic PDEs in 1-D
pdeval Evaluate numerical solution of PDE using output of pdepe
peaks Example function of two variables
perl Call Perl script using appropriate operating system executable
perms All possible permutations
permute Rearrange dimensions of N-D array
persistent Define persistent variable
pi Ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter
pie Pie chart
pie3 3-D pie chart
pinv Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix
planerot Givens plane rotation
    audioplayer method Play audio from audioplayer object
    audiorecorder method Play audio from audiorecorder object
    audioplayer method Play audio from audioplayer object, holding control until playback completes
playshow Run scripted demo (obsolete; use echodemo instead)
    function 2-D line plot
    timeseries method Plot time series
plot3 3-D line plot
plotbrowser Show or hide figure plot browser
plotedit Interactively edit and annotate plots
plotmatrix Scatter plot matrix
plottools Show or hide plot tools
plotyy 2-D line plots with y-axes on both left and right side
    DelaunayTri method Simplex containing specified location
pol2cart Transform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian
polar Polar coordinate plot
poly Polynomial with specified roots
polyarea Area of polygon
polyder Polynomial derivative
polyeig Polynomial eigenvalue problem
polyfit Polynomial curve fitting
polyint Integrate polynomial analytically
polyval Polynomial evaluation
polyvalm Matrix polynomial evaluation
pow2 Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers
power Array power
ppval Evaluate piecewise polynomial
prefdir Folder containing preferences, history, and layout files
preferences Open Preferences dialog box
primes Generate list of prime numbers
print, printopt Print figure or save to file and configure printer defaults
printdlg Print dialog box
printpreview Preview figure to print
prod Product of array elements
profile Profile execution time for function
profsave Save profile report in HTML format
propedit Open Property Editor
propedit (COM) Open built-in property page for control
properties Class property names
propertyeditor Show or hide property editor
psi Psi (polygamma) function
publish Publish MATLAB file with code cells, saving output to specified file type
PutCharArray Store character array in Automation server
PutFullMatrix Matrix in Automation server workspace
PutWorkspaceData Data in Automation server workspace
pwd Identify current folder
qmr Quasi-minimal residual method
qr Orthogonal-triangular decomposition
qrdelete Remove column or row from QR factorization
qrinsert Insert column or row into QR factorization
qrupdate Rank 1 update to QR factorization
quad Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Simpson quadrature
quad2d Numerically evaluate double integral over planar region
quadgk Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature
quadl Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Lobatto quadrature
quadv Vectorized quadrature
questdlg Create and open question dialog box
quit Terminate MATLAB program
Quit (COM) Terminate MATLAB Automation server
quiver Quiver or velocity plot
quiver3 3-D quiver or velocity plot
Quivergroup Properties Define quivergroup properties
qz QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues
rand Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers
rand (RandStream) Uniformly distributed random numbers
randi Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers
randi (RandStream) Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers
randn Normally distributed pseudorandom numbers
randn (RandStream) Normally distributed pseudorandom numbers
randperm Random permutation
randperm (RandStream) Random permutation
RandStream Random number stream
RandStream (RandStream) Random number stream
rank Rank of matrix
rat, rats Rational fraction approximation
rbbox Create rubberband box for area selection
rcond Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate
    Tiff method Read entire image
    VideoReader method Read video frame data from file
readasync Read data asynchronously from device
    Tiff method Read data from specified strip
    Tiff method Read data from specified tile
real Real part of complex number
reallog Natural logarithm for nonnegative real arrays
realmax Largest positive floating-point number
realmin Smallest positive normalized floating-point number
realpow Array power for real-only output
realsqrt Square root for nonnegative real arrays
    function Record data and event information to file
    audiorecorder method Record audio to audiorecorder object
    audiorecorder method Record audio to audiorecorder object, holding control until recording completes
rectangle Create 2-D rectangle object
Rectangle Properties Define rectangle properties
rectint Rectangle intersection area
recycle Set option to move deleted files to recycle folder
reducepatch Reduce number of patch faces
reducevolume Reduce number of elements in volume data set
refresh Redraw current figure
refreshdata Refresh data in graph when data source is specified
regexp, regexpi Match regular expression
regexprep Replace string using regular expression
regexptranslate Translate string into regular expression
registerevent Associate event handler for COM object event at run time
rehash Refresh function and file system path caches
relationaloperators (handle) Equality and sorting of handle objects
release Release COM interface
rem Remainder after division
remove (Map) Remove key-value pairs from containers.Map
removets Remove timeseries objects from tscollection object
    FTP method Rename file on FTP server
repmat Replicate and tile array
    timeseries method Select or interpolate timeseries data using new time vector
resample (tscollection) Select or interpolate data in tscollection using new time vector
reset Reset graphics object properties to their defaults
reset (RandStream) Reset random stream
reshape Reshape array
residue Convert between partial fraction expansion and polynomial coefficients
restoredefaultpath Restore default search path
rethrow Reissue error
rethrow (MException) Reissue existing exception
return Return to invoking function
    Tiff method Write modified metadata to existing IFD
rgb2hsv Convert RGB colormap to HSV colormap
rgb2ind Convert RGB image to indexed image
rgbplot Plot colormap
ribbon Ribbon plot
rmappdata Remove application-defined data
    function Remove folder
    FTP method Remove folder on FTP server
rmfield Remove fields from structure
rmpath Remove folders from search path
rmpref Remove preference
root object Root
Root Properties Root properties
roots Polynomial roots
rose Angle histogram plot
rosser Classic symmetric eigenvalue test problem
rot90 Rotate matrix 90 degrees
rotate Rotate object in specified direction
rotate3d Rotate 3-D view using mouse
round Round to nearest integer
rref Reduced row echelon form
rsf2csf Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form
run Run script that is not on current path
save Save workspace variables to file
save (COM) Serialize control object to file
save (serial) Save serial port objects and variables to file
saveas Save figure or Simulink block diagram using specified format
saveobj Modify save process for object
savepath Save current search path
scatter Scatter plot
scatter3 3-D scatter plot
Scattergroup Properties Define scattergroup properties
schur Schur decomposition
script Sequence of MATLAB statements in file
sec Secant of argument in radians
secd Secant of argument in degrees
sech Hyperbolic secant
selectmoveresize Select, move, resize, or copy axes and uicontrol graphics objects
semilogx Semilogarithmic plots
semilogy Semilogarithmic plots
sendmail Send e-mail message to address list
serial Create serial port object
serialbreak Send break to device connected to serial port
    function Set Handle Graphics object properties
    audioplayer method Set property values for audioplayer object
    audiorecorder method Set property values for audiorecorder object
    timeseries method Set properties of timeseries object
    VideoReader method Set property values for video reader object
set (COM) Set object or interface property to specified value
set (hgsetget) Assign property values to handle objects derived from hgsetget class
set (RandStream) Set random stream property
set (serial) Configure or display serial port object properties
set (timer) Configure or display timer object properties
set (tscollection) Set properties of tscollection object
    timeseries method Set times of timeseries object as date strings
setabstime (tscollection) Set times of tscollection object as date strings
setappdata Specify application-defined data
setDefaultStream (RandStream) Set default random number stream
setdiff Find set difference of two vectors
    Tiff method Make specified IFD current IFD
setdisp (hgsetget) Override to change command window display
setenv Set environment variable
setfield Assign values to structure array field
    timeseries method Set default interpolation method for timeseries object
setpixelposition Set component position in pixels
setpref Set preference
setstr Set string flag
    Tiff method Make subIFD specified by byte offset current IFD
    Tiff method Set value of tag
settimeseriesnames Change name of timeseries object in tscollection
setxor Find set exclusive OR of two vectors
shading Set color shading properties
shg Show most recent graph window
shiftdim Shift dimensions
showplottool Show or hide figure plot tool
shrinkfaces Reduce size of patch faces
sign Signum function
sin Sine of argument in radians
sind Sine of argument in degrees
single Convert to single precision
sinh Hyperbolic sine of argument in radians
    function Array dimensions
    TriRep method Size of triangulation matrix
size (Map) size of containers.Map object
size (serial) Size of serial port object array
size (timeseries) Array dimensions
size (tscollection) Size of tscollection object
slice Volumetric slice plot
smooth3 Smooth 3-D data
snapnow Force snapshot of image for inclusion in published document
sort Sort array elements in ascending or descending order
sortrows Sort rows in ascending order
sound Convert matrix of signal data to sound
soundsc Scale data and play as sound
spalloc Allocate space for sparse matrix
sparse Create sparse matrix
spaugment Form least squares augmented system
spconvert Import matrix from sparse matrix external format
spdiags Extract and create sparse band and diagonal matrices
specular Calculate specular reflectance
speye Sparse identity matrix
spfun Apply function to nonzero sparse matrix elements
sph2cart Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian
sphere Generate sphere
spinmap Spin colormap
spline Cubic spline data interpolation
spones Replace nonzero sparse matrix elements with ones
spparms Set parameters for sparse matrix routines
sprand Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix
sprandn Sparse normally distributed random matrix
sprandsym Sparse symmetric random matrix
sprank Structural rank
sprintf Format data into string
spy Visualize sparsity pattern
sqrt Square root
sqrtm Matrix square root
squeeze Remove singleton dimensions
ss2tf Convert state-space filter parameters to transfer function form
sscanf Read formatted data from string
stairs Stairstep graph
Stairseries Properties Define stairseries properties
start Start timer(s) running
startat Start timer(s) running at specified time
startup Startup file for user-defined options
    function Standard deviation
    timeseries method Standard deviation of timeseries data
stem Plot discrete sequence data
stem3 Plot 3-D discrete sequence data
Stemseries Properties Define stemseries properties
stop Stop timer(s)
stopasync Stop asynchronous read and write operations
str2double Convert string to double-precision value
str2func Construct function handle from function name string
str2mat Form blank-padded character matrix from strings
str2num Convert string to number
strcat Concatenate strings horizontally
strcmp, strcmpi Compare strings
stream2 Compute 2-D streamline data
stream3 Compute 3-D streamline data
streamline Plot streamlines from 2-D or 3-D vector data
streamparticles Plot stream particles
streamribbon 3-D stream ribbon plot from vector volume data
streamslice Plot streamlines in slice planes
streamtube Create 3-D stream tube plot
strfind Find one string within another
strings String handling
strjust Justify character array
strmatch Find possible matches for string
strncmp, strncmpi Compare first n characters of strings
strread Read formatted data from string
strrep Find and replace substring
strtok Selected parts of string
strtrim Remove leading and trailing white space from string
struct Create structure array
struct2cell Convert structure to cell array
structfun Apply function to each field of scalar structure
strvcat Concatenate strings vertically
sub2ind Convert subscripts to linear indices
subplot Create axes in tiled positions
subsasgn Subscripted assignment
subsindex Subscript indexing with object
subspace Angle between two subspaces
subsref Redefine subscripted reference for objects
substruct Create structure argument for subsasgn or subsref
subvolume Extract subset of volume data set
    function Sum of array elements
    timeseries method Sum of timeseries data
superclasses Superclass names
superiorto Establish superior class relationship
support Open MathWorks Technical Support Web page
surf, surfc 3-D shaded surface plot
surf2patch Convert surface data to patch data
surface Create surface object
Surface Properties Surface properties
Surfaceplot Properties Define surfaceplot properties
surfl Surface plot with colormap-based lighting
surfnorm Compute and display 3-D surface normals
svd Singular value decomposition
svds Find singular values and vectors
swapbytes Swap byte ordering
switch Switch among several cases, based on expression
symamd Symmetric approximate minimum degree permutation
symbfact Symbolic factorization analysis
symmlq Symmetric LQ method
symrcm Sparse reverse Cuthill-McKee ordering
symvar Determine symbolic variables in expression
    timeseries method Synchronize and resample two timeseries objects using common time vector
syntax Two ways to call MATLAB functions
system Execute operating system command and return result
tan Tangent of argument in radians
tand Tangent of argument in degrees
tanh Hyperbolic tangent
tar Compress files into tar file
tempdir Name of system's temporary folder
tempname Unique name for temporary file
tetramesh Tetrahedron mesh plot
texlabel Produce TeX format from character string
text Create text object in current axes
Text Properties Text properties
textread Read data from text file; write to multiple outputs
textscan Read formatted data from text file or string
textwrap Wrapped string matrix for given uicontrol
tfqmr Transpose-free quasi-minimal residual method
throw (MException) Issue exception and terminate function
throwAsCaller (MException) Throw exception as if from calling function
tic, toc Measure performance using stopwatch timer
Tiff MATLAB Gateway to LibTIFF library routines
timer Construct timer object
timerfind Find timer objects
timerfindall Find timer objects, including invisible objects
timeseries Create timeseries object
title Add title to current axes
todatenum Convert CDF epoch object to MATLAB datenum
toeplitz Toeplitz matrix
toolboxdir Root folder for specified toolbox
trace Sum of diagonal elements
    timeseries method Transpose timeseries object
trapz Trapezoidal numerical integration
treelayout Lay out tree or forest
treeplot Plot picture of tree
tril Lower triangular part of matrix
trimesh Triangular mesh plot
triplequad Numerically evaluate triple integral
triplot 2-D triangular plot
    class Triangulation representation
    constructor Triangulation representation
    class Interpolate scattered data
    constructor Interpolate scattered data
trisurf Triangular surface plot
triu Upper triangular part of matrix
true Logical 1 (true)
try Execute statements and catch resulting errors
tscollection Create tscollection object
tsdata.event Construct event object for timeseries object
tsearch Search for enclosing Delaunay triangle
tsearchn N-D closest simplex search
tstool Open Time Series Tools GUI
type Display contents of file
typecast Convert data types without changing underlying data
uibuttongroup Create container object to exclusively manage radio buttons and toggle buttons
Uibuttongroup Properties Describe button group properties
uicontextmenu Create context menu
Uicontextmenu Properties Describe context menu properties
uicontrol Create user interface control object
Uicontrol Properties Describe user interface control (uicontrol) properties
uigetdir Open standard dialog box for selecting directory
uigetfile Open standard dialog box for retrieving files
uigetpref Specify and conditionally open dialog box according to user preference
uiimport Open Import Wizard to import data
uimenu Create menus on figure windows
Uimenu Properties Describe menu properties
uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 Convert to unsigned integer
uiopen Interactively select file to open and load data
uipanel Create panel container object
Uipanel Properties Describe panel properties
uipushtool Create push button on toolbar
Uipushtool Properties Describe push tool properties
uiputfile Open standard dialog box for saving files
uiresume Resume execution of blocked program
uisave Interactively save workspace variables to MAT-file
uisetcolor Open standard dialog box for setting object's ColorSpec
uisetfont Open standard dialog box for setting object's font characteristics
uisetpref Manage preferences used in uigetpref
uistack Reorder visual stacking order of objects
uitable Create 2-D graphic table GUI component
Uitable Properties Describe table properties
uitoggletool Create toggle button on toolbar
Uitoggletool Properties Describe toggle tool properties
uitoolbar Create toolbar on figure
Uitoolbar Properties Describe toolbar properties
uiwait Block program execution and wait to resume
undocheckout Undo previous checkout from source control system (UNIX platforms)
unicode2native Convert Unicode characters to numeric bytes
union Find set union of two vectors
unique Find unique elements of vector
unix Execute UNIX command and return result
unloadlibrary Unload shared library from memory
unmesh Convert edge matrix to coordinate and Laplacian matrices
unmkpp Piecewise polynomial details
unregisterallevents Unregister all event handlers associated with COM object events at run time
unregisterevent Unregister event handler associated with COM object event at run time
untar Extract contents of tar file
unwrap Correct phase angles to produce smoother phase plots
unzip Extract contents of zip file
upper Convert string to uppercase
urlread Download content at URL into MATLAB string
urlwrite Download content at URL and save to file
usejava Determine whether Sun Java feature is supported in MATLAB software
userpath View or change user portion of search path
validateattributes Check validity of array
validatestring Check validity of text string
values (Map) Return values of containers.Map object
vander Vandermonde matrix
    function Variance
    timeseries method Variance of timeseries data
varargin Variable length input argument list
varargout Variable length output argument list
vectorize Vectorize expression
ver Version information for MathWorks products
verctrl Source control actions (Windows platforms)
verLessThan Compare toolbox version to specified version string
version Version number for MATLAB and libraries
vertcat Concatenate arrays vertically
vertcat (timeseries) Concatenate arrays vertically
vertcat (tscollection) Vertical concatenation for tscollection objects
    TriRep method Return simplices attached to specified vertices
VideoReader Read video files
VideoWriter Write video files
view Viewpoint specification
viewmtx View transformation matrices
visdiff Compare two text files, MAT-Files, binary files, Zip files, or folders
volumebounds Coordinate and color limits for volume data
voronoi Voronoi diagram
    DelaunayTri method Voronoi diagram
voronoin N-D Voronoi diagram
wait Wait until timer stops running
waitbar Open or update wait bar dialog box
waitfor Block execution and wait for event or condition
waitforbuttonpress Wait for key press or mouse-button click
warndlg Open warning dialog box
warning Warning message
waterfall Waterfall plot
wavfinfo Information about WAVE (.wav) sound file
wavplay Play recorded sound on PC-based audio output device
wavread Read WAVE (.wav) sound file
wavrecord Record sound using PC-based audio input device
wavwrite Write WAVE (.wav) sound file
web Open Web site or file in Web or Help browser
weekday Day of week
what List MATLAB files in folder
whatsnew Release Notes for MathWorks products
which Locate functions and files
while Repeatedly execute statements while condition is true
whitebg Change axes background color
who, whos List variables in workspace
wilkinson Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrix
winopen Open file in appropriate application (Windows)
winqueryreg Item from Windows registry
wk1finfo Determine whether file contains 1-2-3 WK1 worksheet
wk1read Read Lotus 1-2-3 WK1 spreadsheet file into matrix
wk1write Write matrix to Lotus 1-2-3 WK1 spreadsheet file
workspace Open Workspace browser to manage workspace
    Tiff method Write entire image
    Tiff method Create new IFD and make it current IFD
    Tiff method Write data to specified strip
    Tiff method Write data to specified tile
    VideoWriter method Write video data to file
xlabel, ylabel, zlabel Label x-, y-, and z-axis
xlim, ylim, zlim Set or query axis limits
xlsfinfo Determine whether file contains Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
xlsread Read Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file
xlswrite Write Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file
xmlread Read XML document and return Document Object Model node
xmlwrite Write XML Document Object Model node
xor Logical exclusive-OR
xslt Transform XML document using XSLT engine
zeros Create array of all zeros
zip Compress files into zip file
zoom Turn zooming on or off or magnify by factor


is an engineering discipline which uses the scientific knowledge of the behavior and effects of electrons to develop components, devices, systems, or equipment (as in electron tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, and printed circuit boards) that uses electricity as part of its driving force. Both terms denote a broad engineering field that encompasses many sub fields including those that deal with power, instrumentation engineering, telecommunications, semiconductor circuit design, and many others.


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